(English: The Witch Hunter)
"Girl-with-guns" triology animated by Bee Train Studio: Noir, Madlax, and El Cazador de la Bruja
Genres: adventure, drama, mystery, supernatural
Themes: girls with guns
Themes: girls with guns
A fateful encounter between Ellis, a fugitive girl with amnesia, a troubled past, and supernatural powers, and Nadie, a feisty bounty hunter, leads to the two of them traveling south together in search of the key to unlocking Ellis' past. The only clues they have are a mysterious stone given to Ellis by a fortune teller she was staying with, and Ellis' notion that she has to go south. ~ wikipedia
.::contains spoiler::.
Comment: Seriously, I keep rewatching this anime, all my favorite episodes and scenes, and I still enjoy it. It certainly was better than the other two of the Bee Train produced animes, Noir and Madlax, combined! You have to watch the triology starting from Noir, then Madlax, then El Cazador de la Bruja, to appreciate this anime even more, but I've watched it the other way around. This is why I was so disappointed when I watched Noir.Nadie, the bounty hunter, is just such a feisty person, you can't help but love her! I love her cool, optimistic attitude, exceptional marksmanship, her witticism, and her loyalty to friends (seeing, in later episodes, the kind of strong bond she'd formed with Ellis, the bounty, and refused to accept her payment just to stay by Ellis' side). She even mentioned in the following episode when she ran out of money and was half starving that she should've accepted the payment instead of trying to appear "cool", but that she would've regretted it for the rest of her life. Because accepting the payment would've meant that she had to leave Ellis in Hayward's, her client, custody, without knowing what will happen to Ellis. Nadie has a habit of saying, "Got any last words, say 'em!" scaring her opponents to death. During the course of the series, Nadie has taught Ellis everything a "human being" should know, including all kinds of human emotions, even love. (I think they meant "love for a friend" here, and not implicitly "love as in being in love with a person". I dunno....)
Ellis is just this (what do they call it in anime-language?) moe-character? You will feel compelled to protect her even as an audience because she's just innocent, naive, cute and adorable, despite her supernatural powers and inhuman strength. If angered, mostly triggered when Nadie is in danger, you better not mess around with her. There was definitely character development, in each episode, you can see its progress, it's like filling water in an empty glass until it spills over.
I especially loved the finale of this series. Just heart-wrenching, because after all, love means sacrifice. Love means sharing the same pain and dying together if it comes down to it.
Anyway, that's it.
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The eScapist's Review
Volume 1
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 |Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12 | Episode 13 | Episode 14
Volume 2
Episode 15 | Episode 16 | Episode 17 | Episode 18 | Episode 19 | Episode 20 | Episode 21 | Episode 22 | Episode 23 | Episode 24 | Episode 25 | Episode 26

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